

There was a disciple named…Dorcas…who was always doing good and helping the poor.

Why do some students of Jesus excel in becoming more like the Teacher? Is theirs a greater trust in Jesus? A stronger faith that following Him more closely leads to the most meaningful kind of life!

Dorcas was such a student. She used what abilities and resources were hers to serve the needs of others. She employed her skill as a seamstress to make clothes for the poor.

In service to those with needs, her life mirrored the life of her Teacher. For Jesus' life was full of good works on behalf of the poor. In fact, His very coming into the world to die for everyone’s sins was a just such a blessing to all mankind.

For though He was rich, He became poor. That through His poverty we might become rich.

When Dorcas fell ill and died, all the widows gathered in her home to mourn for her. Peter was also present, having been summoned by the believers in that community.

All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them.

Their sorrow was turned to joy when Peter raised her from the dead!

By His life and teaching, Jesus elevates service to the poor to new heights. Dorcas understood and so provided clothes for the widows she knew. For to be a widow in those days was most often to be poor.

Serious students of Jesus always seek ways to serve the poor in whatever way their talents and opportunities provide. They remember the Teacher’s words – Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these…you did it to me.

How happy must be our Teacher when - like Dorcas - we pay attention to what He said. When we seek to please Him by becoming more like Him in service to the poor in our world.

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