

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

From every perspective, our Teacher is the light of the world.

The fact that Jesus made the sun, moon and stars should remove all doubt about His power to give light to guide life's journey.

Here He promises to illuminate everyone who follows Him with the light for living life.

This is the work of the Teacher. He shines the light of God’s Word into our hearts and powerfully changes the direction of our lives.

Everything changes. Confusion and darkness flee. The path forward becomes clearer.

The work of a student is simply to walk with the Teacher and earnestly seek to walk in the light of His Life and Teaching.

To keep focus on Him and desire to live as He lived, think as He thought, and keep the priorities He displayed every day.

Doing this naturally leads every student to closer relationship with the Heavenly Father. This is what Jesus’ life was all about.

“You do not know me or my Father," Jesus replied. "If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”

The Light of the World leads us to more than an intellectual belief that God exists. The Teacher says if we get to know Him we actually get to know the Father also.

And getting to know God – the Source of all life - is real life. Eternal life!


  1. He says whoever follows me shall never walk in darkness. The challenge is to always follow. It's every minute of evey day. When we try to go our own way and do our own thing or try to fit in more with the world, we're right back in darkness. It's funny how we like the light so much, but we too easily get used to the dark.

  2. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

    This verse, and promise really stuck with me all day.

    Maybe it's because in 5 weeks we willhave less than 3 hours of sunlight!

    Maybe it's because the light is so appealing.

    As is God - who is light, and in him is no darkness.
