Jesus is our Savior. This means we have a hope of heaven one day!
But…what now? What are we to do in the meantime?
This is the question the Teacher begins to answer in this parable. And His answer involves using what God has entrusted to us in His service.
Here, the approved servants were motivated to be diligent in their service because they believed the Master would show up some day to settle accounts. And he did!
They believed the quality of their service mattered. And they were right again! What difference did it make? They received the Master’s approval and increased opportunity for service!
Of course, we understand it is only through Jesus’ sacrifice that anyone can be saved. It by His grace, not by our works! No room for boasting!
But clearly what we do with what God has entrusted to us really does matter. And it answers the question, What Now?
Serious students know their progress in becoming more like the Teacher counts for something, both now and then! They want to use their lives to do what He thinks is important today!
Of course, we understand good service doesn’t save us. Only what Jesus did on the cross can do that. But clearly becoming better students now will make a significant difference for us in the final coming of the kingdom of heaven.
Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!
Often times, we see Jesus going up on a mountain to pray, and many times it was either He and His disciples, or simply by Himself. It is important to spend time with God in prayer.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the majority of the time what is Jesus doing? He is using what he has to minister to those around Him. He is healing the sick, raising the dead, making the blind see, the deaf hear, cleansing the leprous, teaching the apostles, teaching the crowds, answering the questions of the Pharisees and Saducees, talking to tax collectors and sinners - why? For the benefit of the Kingdom.
So this parable really only teaches in words what he has been doing his entire ministry.
Want to be like the Teacher?
Get busy in the Kingdom!