
Secret Approval

It’s Sunday. Get dressed. We’re going to church to worship God. Be with other Christians and maybe listen to one of them talk too long!

It’s all good though. Well, except maybe the part about the extra-long sermon. All the restaurants will be full before we can get there!

But the Teacher says all this doesn’t quite go far enough. Church attendance is no substitute for a secret relationship with God - something just between me and Him!

In fact, if our relationship with God is limited to public displays - for the approval of the public – we totally miss the mark.

Don’t get me wrong! Part of being a student of Jesus is becoming an active participant in the public life of a congregation.

Our Teacher went to the synagogue and the temple. He was a regular at the feast observances. And Jesus still goes to church today. He promises His presence anytime two or three gather together in His name.

It’s just that what we do all together for a couple of hours a week is only part of it. Our secret prayers and private acts of service the rest of the week really define our personal walk with God.

Because secret acts of service reveal a heart primarily concerned with the approval of the Only One who sees what is done in secret.

Is it appropriate to ask, how’s your secret relationship with God?


  1. Reminds me of the lyrics of a song we sing: "I want to be a Christian in my heart"

  2. Completely appropriate question, that should probably be asked more often!

  3. I especially like this: "Our secret prayers and private acts of service the rest of the week really define our personal walk with God."

    When we go to the doctor, he takes our temperature, pulse, breathing rate, etc. because they indicate the general condition of our health. Perhaps "our secret prayers and private acts of service" are the equivalent for our spiritual health.

    Keep up the good work.

