

Jesus wept.

Jesus is surrounded with grieving people. All friends of Lazarus who has died! The deceased is His friend too!

The Teacher is not aloof from the mourners. He does not stand above them. Instead, He weeps with them - He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.

He did not hide His emotions. Everyone saw His grief.

Then the Jews said, "See how he loved him!"

Here is a poignant picture of the compassion of Jesus.

His is a love expressed in real emotion. A love moved when sorrow comes to those who are the object of it.

Our Teacher is not a dispassionate observer of the lives of His students. He cares. Deeply!
Jesus wept.

How comforting to know His heart is moved by our sorrows. For every life has its share of them.

What a support this is to all who struggle to follow Him. For it isn’t easy to become like Jesus. What an encouragement to know of His genuine and heartfelt concern for us when we fail!

The tears of Jesus at the grave of Lazarus speak to us of a personal relationship the Teacher has with His students.

This is a Teacher students can trust with their hearts!

And as He raises Lazarus from the dead, we understand He is a Teacher we can trust with our lives!

1 comment:

  1. The compassion Jesus has for the hurting always atounds me. for those weeping here at Lazarus' tomb. For the wido burrying her only son. For the woman who touched the hem of His garment. For Jerusalem, like sheep without a shepherd.

    So why do we not think He will have compassion for us when we are hurting?

    Seriously, have you ever thought of Jesus having compassion for you? For YOU! WOW!

    The "footprints" poem I feel has been overdone, but what a thought, in the tough times, Jesus carrying us. Cool. Searching in the desert to find a lost sheep - climbing mountains and going through bryers - for You (and me.)

    He had compassion for the hurting in His day. He "stands" at the right hand of God when Stephen is stoned. Do you think He'll ignore you when you are hurting?

    I don't think so, that's not the kind of teacher we serve!
